Are you ready to test your brain?

13 April 2019 by Andras Jani.

Word360 is a brain game application where you have to find words with as many letters as the number of circles on the screen. You have to choose one letter from each circle. You can reuse the letters in the next word.

The trick is that the circles are spinning in different direction. If your left hemisphere is the dominant you can find the words easier in the left rotating circles. After a few games you will notice that your other hemisphere will be better and you will figure the words out faster than before. This way you can train your brain and improve your cognitive abilities.

You can download the Word360 game from Microsoft Store or just click here.
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In the game a special game type is available. This is the Ranked mode. Ranked game is the serious side of Play mode, with you able to earn special ranks to reflect your skill in this season. After winning game, you will get a star which helps you to move up on the leaderboard, but if you can't figure out, you will go down on the leaderboard below.

Your rank is reflected in a special avatar. 20 numbered ranks exist and after reaching that, you will get the Legendary avatar. At the end of each season your rank will be reset 5 ranks lower than the highest rank attained during the season.

Are you ready for the challenge?